Favorite Genre of Music

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Ever since my dad introduced me to Eminem when I was a kid, I became a huge fan of rap. For a little while in my life, I never really listened to music but I remembered the songs that my dad listened to on his speakers when he was playing games. I decided to listen to a few more of Em's songs and I became a huge fan. The music for me is satisfying because Eminem flows with the beat really well. He also has a lot of clever word play in his raps and he can go really fast. In his most recent album, he had a verse in his song Godzilla that almost broke 11 syllables per second. It may be his fastest ever and I love hearing him challenge himself. It's also impressive how long he's been around. I think he's a great artist and I love listening to him just about anywhere. I've also found many other artists like Crypt, Hopsin, and Joyner Lucas that are fantastic rappers and great to listen to. Rap has become that main genre that I listen to for good reason. Mainstream music isn't really my thing and most of the time feels the same after a while.
