My Media Consumption

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After taking the questionnaire, I realized a couple different things about my media consumption. The first slightly alarming thing that I learned was the amount of "celebrities" that I follow. The question seemed pretty straight forward when I first looked at it, and I immediately went to circle the option with zero. But then I thought about the only social media that I actually use, which is YouTube, and it got me thinking. I am subscribed to more than 100 people on YouTube! These people probably wouldn't fit the traditional definition of a celebrity, but the way I see it, a celebrity is a person of influence. All of the channels that I am subscribed to have more than 1,000 subscribers, and more than half of them have more than 500,000 subscribers. Many of them even cross 1 million, only one crossing the 100,000,000 mark. Google defines celebrity as a "famous" person, which is quite a vague definition. But these creators definitely pass the title of popular, and I certainly think they are famous. Therefore, I chose the option of "More than 100" which would probably be a scary answer if it was for any other reason. The other thing I realized, which I guess I already knew, was that I only really participate in social media through YouTube. Most people have a Twitter, an Instagram, and all that. But I only have a YouTube and I guess a PSN. Which I obviously already knew, but I only really thought about it now...
