What Kind of Book Reader am I?

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The Book-Buster. Is your home strewn with books scattered about, this way and that, their pages turned, their covers folded over, their backs broken and their limbs splayed out on either side? You are a destroyer of books, but you love them so. Your spirit book character is Lennie of Of Mice and Men. You just want to hug the books, squeeze them tighter and tighter, you adore them so much, you really don't know you're hurting them. And then you've got a paperback with a huge chunk pulled out of it, or a first edition that's suddenly waterlogged from bath water. You take your books out into the sun and their pages bleach away to nothing, but you keep them anyway, because they are books and you love books. Suggested book-buster reads: Whatever you like, but buy a Kindle.

Well looks like I'm a book buster... Oh god. This is actually kind of hard to admit because... well yes I LOVE BOOKS. And yes I complain about them when I have to read a thousand of them for Creative Writing... MR. CRADDOCK. But when they're not shoved in my face, they entertain me and give me something to envy because a lot of times the peoples lives in the books are a lot better than my own. Ah, who am I kidding I'm 15? But I digress. If anyone of you took a look at my Harry Potter series, you would understand why this style of reader describes me perfectly. The Prisoner of Azkaban is particularly destroyed. I remember attempting to sadly tape it together with some reading tape my English teacher gave me. A hard fail if you ask me. The tape is still there though. Honestly, I keep telling myself I should get a new set of books.
But who am I kidding I love my originals too much!
Check out what type of reader you are here


  1. When your “wig” is snatched, it means that something blew you away or shocked you in an extreme manner. This is usually used in a positive manner and can also be used as a compliment. Someone could also watch a video of a singer and be so unexpectedly amazed by their voice that their wig would also be snatched.


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