Some Thinking about Anger

Image result for thinkingI can get a little heated sometimes. Anything from writer's block to having an off day while playing video games can set me off. I hate, and I repeat, hate, when things don't go right for me. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting everything to be perfect and pretty for little David down on earth. I think my problem is that when something goes wrong for me, I try to fix it a little too... aggressively, which'll just make me angrier. Which is strange because usually when I fix things in a good mood, it doesn't ever make my mood worse. The more I think about it, the more I realize that anger itself turns into a harsh cycle very shortly. Anger feeds on itself to grow stronger. Just think about it. If you've ever been angry, it progressively gets more difficult to calm down the more you anger yourself. And it's even weirder because an emotion like happiness doesn't work like this. The cycle never starts because happiness isn't a cycle. It can end at any time, with any souring event. I hate anger, but sometimes it gets the best of me. Just don't let it feed on you.

Thanks for listening to my mindless thoughts (if you did of course)! Sometimes writing things down like this spawns other ideas for me and I appreciate you staying for the whole thing. Hopefully, you can do your own thinking after this one. Maybe about... depression. Just kidding, go have some fun!


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