Professionals talk Writing

I recently watched a few videos of writers of different sorts talking about writing. I'll be telling you of what I learned, and where I may be able to improve since maybe you have the same problems.

Walter Mosley: Sacrificing Nothing
I like what he has to say here because this was one of the biggest things that I was worried about. to be a writer, maybe I would lose time with family, friends, or just time in general. But the way he explains it is perfect. "One of the things I love about being a writer is this:  I wake up every day and I write for three hours. I wake up early." That could be his only secret. He just wakes up early. But now I honestly don't think it's that hard to remove my "writing life" from my "normal life." I think one day, I will grow to love that as well.

Robert McKee: Nothing to say
McKee brings up a good point that I can definitely learn from. Bad writers don't have anything to say. They don't have an understanding of human interaction or exposition. This is something I can definitely pick up on and start learning. Human interactions and exposition are two things that I could certainly study more. They would make my stories better and help my writing overall.

Here are some other videos that you can check out!
What does a Publisher Do?
How much will I make publishing a novel?
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